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Depression is a frequently observed emotional disorder characterized by a feeling of emptiness and loss of meaning experienced by the sufferer. Its most common form is called major depressive disorder and its duration varies from person to person. It can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the treatment that the patient will seek and receive.

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Panic attacks are a cataclysmic discharge of our accumulated stress in the form of intense physical and mental symptoms. Over time, they can cause a significant imbalance in the emotional and social life of the sufferer.  That is why early treatment of the disorder through psychotherapy, with or without concomitant medication, is particularly important.



Psychosomatic symptoms can be characterized as the bells that our body rings when there is an underlying mental disorder. The mind can forget and push away our traumatic experiences but the body does not forget about it and reminds us through pain and other physical symptoms. It is important, therefore, to learn to listen to the bells of our body so that we can improve our mental health and harmonize our soul with our body.



Phobic disorder is very common and can  greatly affect the sufferer. The intensity of the phobias and the frequency with which one is confronted with the phobic stimuli also determine the degree of discomfort they cause. Avoiding these stimuli initially helps but is not a solution as the causes of the phobic reaction remain unexplained. It is an opportunity to face our fears head on while increasing our confidence and mental fortitude.

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